Andys bar i aften

Kom forbi Andys Lørdag, den 17.6., kl 20.30 Gothersgade 33b Kbh. “Sommeroplæsning på Andys Bar med Sternberg, Jeppe Brixvold, Jonas Rolsted & Theis Ørntoft. Fri entré + åben bar.”


ZOO #2 Many truly unique artists reside in Berlin. The motivation for making ZOO is that more people in Berlin should know of the awsome work of these people. AND at the same time these people will meet each other and that in itself has great potential. This is the...

Zoo #1 i Berlin, den 26.4.

Many truly unique artists reside in Berlin. The motivation for making ZOO is that more people in Berlin should know of the awsome work of these people. AND at the same time these people will meet each other and that in itself has great potential. The guests so far are...